How do we get to Nozawa Onsen village?
We’ll send you more detailed information (including bus/trains timetables as soon as they are available) ahead of your arrival, however the following may help with planning the journey to Nozawa Dream:
- Most visitors come to Nozawa by shinkansen (bullet train), the nearest train station is Iiyama, which is about 14km away from the village. From Iiyama station: Nozawa Onsen Liner bus (approximately 25 minutes) or taxi.
- Guests coming from Narita/Haneda airport can consider a shared jumbo taxi, provided by Chuo Taxi
- Alternatively, guests coming from Narita/Haneda airport can opt for a direct shuttle bus, provided by Nagano Snow Shuttle
How do we get to Nozawa Dream / Nozawa Dream Central if we take the Nozawa Onsen Liner bus?
How do we get to the ski slopes?
Where can we rent ski / snowboard gear & wear?
Which the ski passes would you recommend?
How can we book ski lessons?
Where can we find more information about the ski resort and snow conditions?
Can we send our luggage to the ski lodge ahead of our arrival?
Do we need to carry a lot of Yen cash with us?